All About Macedonia UMC-Southmont
Our Mission & Vision
Our vision…
Connecting God, community, and one another to meet the real needs of real people for spiritual and physical wholeness.
“…and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” John 10:16
Our mission…
is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Sunday Schedule
Worship, Communion and Sunday School
Traditional Service of Worship is held each Sunday from 10:00- 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary with additional seating for live-stream in Spirit Hall and broadcast on 93.9FM for those listening in from the Parking Lot.
Celebration of Holy Communion typically occurs on the 1st Sunday of each month, Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday evening, & Easter sunrise. We practice an open Table which is open to all who love Jesus, repent of their sin & seek to live in peace with one another.
Sunday School meets Sundays from 9-9:45am.

We will welcome, love, and nurture persons who wish to remain United Methodists but have become displaced or churchless because of church closing or disaffilation.
We love you,
We care about you.
We are here for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do United Methodists believe?
As a part of the global United Methodist Church, we adhere to a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. For more details on what the UMC believes, CLICK HERE.
Where should I park? Is there designated handicapped parking?
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Which door should I enter?
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What should I wear?
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Is there Sunday School?
Sunday School meets Sundays from 9-9:45am.
We offer 2 different adult classes and a Young Adult class.
Adults meeting in Classroom A share in short-term DVD driven studies by such authors and teachers as Max Lucado, Adam Hamilton, Mickey Effird, Mark Batterson and others.
Adults meeting in Classroom B follow the International Lessons series.
Young Adults meet in the open area of the Preschool Hall.
Our One Room Children’s Class meets in the open area of the preschool hall.
Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?
Child Care is provided in the Nursery located in the Preschool area during times of Sunday School and Worship Services.
The nursery is staffed by 2 rotating volunteers, in accordance with Safe Sanctuaries.
Do you have a Youth Group?
Youth Group, 6th – 12th grades
Our Youth Group, 6th – 12th grades meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons at 5pm for Bible lessons, activities, games, trips and mystery adventures. Our youth may be found eating pizza, ice skating, rock painting, making scarecrows, all the while building lasting faith & friendships.
They are friendly and are always willing to accept new friends in the group!
Is the church available for weddings or other occasions?
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How do I join the church?
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